I’m so grateful for the feedback I received on my first episode of The Cooking, Eating, Healing Show. And because it was so positive, I was inspired to continue, so Episode 2 is now live on YouTube!
As I said in the blog for the first episode (where I shared my persimmon chocolate chip cookie recipe), the main purpose of my show is to inspire you to have a joyful, sensual relationship with food, eating, and your body. The recipes are a bonus :)
In this second episode, I share my recipe for my egg, veggie, toast, and cheese breakfast (which I eat nearly every day), the meal that was my motivation to create the show in the first place. You’ll hear me rant a bit about food “rules” that get in the way of listening to our bodies. I also talk about how I learned to listen to my body and intuitive wisdom to guide my food choices as I was healing from my eating disorder. And, along with other anecdotes, I share the story of a funny event that taught me that I am the expert of my own body.
The goal is freedom!
We are here on this beautiful earth for a short time, even if we live a long life, so, for me, that means having a peaceful, sensual, fun time in my body, and savoring the deliciousness not just of food, but of everything that stimulates my senses!
If you've struggled/are struggling with an eating disorder, or from the harmful messages about bodies and food perpetuated by diet culture, please know that getting to freedom is worth every ounce of energy you put towards your healing!
Below you’ll find my breakfast “recipe,” along with links to resources that may be helpful. If you are already connected to your body in a loving way, enjoy the recipe!
Episode 2: My Egg Breakfast
There’s not really an exact recipe to follow, but here are the basics along with ideas for adaptations to this meal.
1 egg – In the show I used one, but sometimes I use two if I’m extra hungry, or on the days when toast doesn’t feel like the right fit.
1-2 mushrooms, depending on size – I like shitake mushrooms, but I also use crimini (sometimes called baby bellas). I definitely prefer brown mushrooms over white, but you can use any that call to you.
1-2 stalks asparagus – I used only one in the show since it was a big one. And since asparagus isn’t always easy to get, you can add a different veg as a replacement.
4-5 slices zucchini cut into bite sized pieces – a good replacement for asparagus or add in both. When I don’t have asparagus, I just add in more zucchini.
Leek or scallion – You saw in the show that I used half a scallion since I didn’t have a good leek on hand. When I do have leeks, I use 2-3 slices of the white part of the stalk. I cut the slices in half, so they are half circles.
Greens of some sort – My favorites are spinach, cilantro, arugula, or parsley. Put in a handful and see how much is right by trying different amounts each time. If you like cilantro, something I do is have the leaves pulled off the stem of a full bunch and keep it in my fridge, so my cooking time goes faster. Or I let my mom do this task at night while I’m cooking dinner, and she loves it :)
1 piece of bread (optional) – As I mentioned, some days I like to have toast and some days I just want egg and veg. I personally like whole wheat bread (especially seeded) with this meal, but you can use any type of bread you like—or none.
Cheese (optional) – For me, it’s Havarti cheese that lights up my taste buds these days! A sharp cheddar is also very good, as is parmesan. Any cheese will be delicious, and you can also use a vegan cheese or none at all.
- Heat up a small frying pan over medium heat. My new favorite pan is a Carraway pan (no, I’m not getting paid to say this!). Use any pan you want. I prefer nonstick, but I know a lot of people like cast iron or aluminum pans.
- When the pan is hot (about 90 seconds) add a bit of oil and/or butter. As you saw in the show, I like a bit of each. This is where you can listen to your intuition by trying different amounts and then seeing how the dish turns out. Does it need more moisture? Is it too greasy?
- Let the oil heat up and then add the veggies, but don't add the greens yet. Let everything simmer and poke them around occasionally. I like to cover my pan with a splatter screen, but you don’t have to.
- When the veg is soft, but not mushy, sprinkle your greens on top, covering up the veg. Cover to let them soften a bit, or just start poking them around until they are wilted.
- Whisk your egg until well beaten.
- This is also a good time to put your bread in the toaster.
- Once the greens are wilted, add in your beaten egg. Roll it around the pan and/or push in the edges towards the middle and tip the pan to let the runny part get to the outside so it can cook through. You can also cover the pan to help the eggs cook. Or you can pop under a broiler for a few seconds until the egg slightly pulls away from the edge of the pan and puffs up a bit. Just remember to use a hot pad when you take your pan out of the oven! And make sure your pan is oven safe.
- Your toast should be ready by now, so get it out and spread with butter, cream cheese, avocado, or something else. Or nothing.
- I like to use beautiful plates for my breakfast. I have a bunch that my mom made, so I pick one that fits the season we’re in. Right now, since it’s winter, I’m using my acorn plate and am reminded that giant trees can grow from a tiny acorn!
- Flip the egg in half, and then half again and place on the toast. When I’m not having toast, I just flip once (in half) and then put it on my plate.
- And now the best part for me… add cheese! Grate whatever cheese you want on top of the egg, give it a bit of pepper and/or salt if you want, and maybe a bit of salsa if you want to spice it up.

Enjoy! If you are eating it on toast, I highly recommend picking it up and eating with your hands. Take in the full aroma of all of the ingredients as you take your first bite. And, do remember if you can, to especially savor the last bite or two. It’s a great way to wake up your senses for the day ahead.
As I mentioned in the show, if you’re on the go, you can make this breakfast into a sandwich with two slices of bread, or wrap it in a tortilla.
Send me an email and let me know how it goes! info@conniesobczak.com
Final thoughts…
As you heard me say in the video, I get disturbed when I read weight loss or nutrition tips about measuring the amount of vegetables (and anything else!) one eats; cups of this, grams of that in order to "not eat too much." Yes, I do follow amounts listed in recipes (especially when baking), but then I tend to still figure out the amounts of all ingredients so it's right for me.
I am reminded of when my sister Stephanie went to Weight Watchers in her teens (1970s) and used her little scale to weigh out every morsel of food she was allowed to eat. It took away all her joy, and she loved food. Not to mention, she was starving most of the time, which of course led to binges!
I’ve learned that looking at food before I start cooking and imagining it in my stomach at the end of my meal is a better guide for me to determine the right amount. And if I get it wrong, that’s okay, because it’s simply a learning experience. I have my next meal to try again. Please do remember if you're in treatment for an eating disorder that following a food plan may be what you need. Intuitive listening is a goal, but it might not be right for you.
Healing from a disordered relationship with food in my early twenties changed my life. I made a vow to myself then that as many of my meals as possible would be filled with pleasure. And I can say happily that I’ve had so many great moments of pleasure with my meals over the past 42 years! Stephanie never got over her food issues in her short life. It’s sad, because she loved delicious flavors so much. To honor my own life, and the memory of my sweet sister, I have allowed pleasure to be one of the primary guiding principles to my health, happiness, and emotional wellbeing.
- The National Alliance for Eating Disorders: Here you'll find resources to help if you're struggling with an eating disorder. They also have a hotline.
- 'Tis the Season to Be Squishy: my blog about bodies in winter on The Body Positive website
- Embody: Learning to Love Your Unique Body (and quiet that critical voice!): My book about my work with The Body Positive. The book’s message is rooted in the philosophy that people inherently possess the wisdom necessary to make healthy choices and to live in balance. It emphasizes that self-love, acceptance of genetic diversity in body size, celebration of the unique beauty of every individual, and intuitive self-care are fundamental to achieving good physical and emotional health.
- Embracing Your Critical Voice: The Gateway to Self-Love: my TEDx Talk
- My Website
- The Body Positive website
Please remember that my show is for educational and informational purposes only, and is shared with the understanding that it is meant to complement, not substitute for, professional medical and/or psychological services. Please reach out to the National Alliance for Eating Disorders (link shared above) if you need help.